Side One
- Darker My Love - Pale Sun [Dead Man]
- The Green Pajamas - This Angel's On Fire [valis]
- The Fratellis - Everybody Knows You Cried Last Night [Jenergy]
- Tune-Yards - News [tornadoZ]
- Gomez - If I Ask You Nicely [Mesh]
- Two White Horses - Good Times Are Gone Forever [saaf]
- Ruby Andrews - You Made A Believer [Sport!]
- Luke Haines - Love Letter To London [ofthaltned]
- Yo La Tengo - Here To Fall [Pop Kulcher]
- Surfer Blood - Floating Vibes [natalyesaurus]
- Earlimart - The World [sbessg]
- David Bowie - Memory Of A Free Festival [Rob Conroy]
- Doveman - The Best Thing [barrydali]
- Fleet Foxes - He Doesn't Know Why [XYZ]
- Evening Hymns - Dead Deer [Anthony Lombardi]
- Johnny Cash & Joe Strummer - Redemption Song [Franklin Onn]
- The Concretes - Chico [Siobhan]
- Miles Davis - Mr Pastorius [DJ Karen]
Side Two
- Banda de Jesus - Livin' Is Funky [Muzag]
- Laura Branigan - Self Control [bear]
- Girls - Hellhole Ratrace [p the swede]
- Yeasayer - Ambling Alp [sammyg123]
- New Order - The Village [Nomates]
- Locas in Love - I Am Downright Amazed at What I Can Destroy With Just A Hammer [Mixxer]
- Minnow - Out Of The Woods [moe]
- The Buckinghams - Hey Baby (They're Playing Our Song) [Mr Mirage]
- TV On The Radio - Young Liars [Ken Harris]
- The Tripwires - Big Electric Light [French Connection]
- The Billy Nayer Show - Reno [Jonpoi]
- Area Scatter - A Tit For Tat [blasikin]
- Doug Dillard - Clinch Mountain Backstep [lanhamyodel]
- Slaid Cleaves - Tumbleweed Stew [Mark Petrucelli]
- Damien Youth - Clancy [George Metadata]
- Wynton Kelly - Autumn Leaves [Doowad]
- Jolie Holland - Don't Get Trouble On Your Mind [Texas Hobart]
- Count Basie Orchestra - April In Paris [Strange Loop]
Side Three
- The Radiators - Fess Song [gobi]
- The Fresh & Onlys - Peacock & Wing [James Phoenix]
- A.C. Newman - Take On Me [doowadette]
- I Love Math - The Shape Of The Sum [buglady]
- Animal Collective - What Would I Want? Sky [hemizen]
- Finishing School - Page 16 [Salman1]
- The Velvelettes - He Was Really Saying Something [retrojoe]
- Train - I Got You [njr]
- RB Morris - City [avocadorabbit]
- Roisin Murphy - Orally Fixated [Luke 79]
- Chrome Kids - Chrome Plated Elbow (Grounds for Divorce Remix) [Thomas_Mohr]
- Tortoise - Monument Six One Thousand [g.a.b l@bs]
- The Soundcarriers - Let It Ride [plushpig]
- The Factory - Path Through The Forest [McDonald12]
- Deer Tick - The Ghost [Funky Ratchet]
- Four Blazes - Raggedy Ride [joey de vivre]
- Billy Vera & Judy Clay - Storybook Children [The Misfit]
- Atlas Sound - Quick Canal [curtis_burns]
The years 2006 & 2007 were my favourite years on the old site. Others who joined earlier than myself may cite earlier years , but for me, this was the golden period. In early 2008, disaster struck and the AotM site was struck with a virus so bad some thought it'd never recover (which in some respects is true).
We could have all gone our separate ways and probably would have had it not been for Todd (a.k.a Dead Man) who worked tirelessly, I'm sure, throughout the whole of last year and finally launched our new home 'ZerO' in the early weeks of 2009. And it's been a great year in our new home. I love ZerO, the layout is nice on the eye, posting a mix is a doddle (cut and paste!) and it never crashes. The stats are constantly updated which is a fantastic feature. And there's a Mix of the Week every week! And not every 2 months like on our former home.
And while the old site is something of a ghost town nowadays, it's easy to forget just how many friends I made during those years. And so the idea of a reunion mix was born. I emailed a selection of some of my favourite mixers from those years, asked them for a song that was currently buzzing in their head, and the response was great. About 90% got back to me - so thanks very much.
Lots of old names here that hopefully will spark a bit of nostalgia in some. A few name changes of course - The French Connection is now Frenchy, McDonald12 now Scottpsych, Ken Harris is now Khradioguy, Rob Conroy now simply Rob C. Mark Petrucelli is now Petrocks, and Salman dropped the 1 from his name (of course there's only one Salman). I decided, though, to keep my silly username for sentimental reasons!
Anyway, there's some great tunes here, you've excelled yourselves my mixing chums. Oh, and one more thing - I was always going to let Dead Man kick off this mix. Even before he submitted a more than worthy track 1 ...
Looks like you got a great response on this, Sam. I too look back on that period with nostalgia. Thanks 1,000,000 for organizing the "reunion."
Sam, thanks for inviting me to be a part of this. A great treat to see so many familiar names with, as always, so many unfamiliar songs.
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