- Hexicon - Annie Oh!
- Seeland - Local Park
- Stornoway - I Saw You Blink
- Deerhunter - Revival
- Plush - Three Quarter Blind Eyes
- Clinic - Tomorrow
- Television - Glory
- Elastica - Connection
- Stereolab - Cybele's Reverie
- Tiger - Friends
- Broadcast - Come On Let's Go
- Tipsy - Hey!
- Solex - All Licketysplit
- Marbles - Top Of The Morning
- Felt - Primitive Painters
- Spearmint - Sweeping The Nation
- Lake - Blue Ocean Blue
- Love - Live And Let Live
- Slaraffenland - That Great Love Song
- Cinerama - Maniac
- Mutley - Medusa
- Momus - Vocation
- Tigercity - A Better Place
It was never my intention to make a mix solely featuring one word band names. It wasn't until the mix was taking shape I realised the Seeland thru' Clinic run did just that. And with Tiger and Broadcast also on the shortlist for making the mix and with me listening to Momus a lot recently it just seemed a novel thing to do.
I thought about re-arranging the mix to just feature one word bands with one word song titles, but I liked my 2-6 run so much I chose "No Symmetry'
You haven't lost your marbles Sammy! Another fine one! Some comments:
Hexicon - Included this song on a recent mix as well. Very early 70s AM radio-ish, like a lost Gilbert O'Sullivan single. Like the bouncy keyboard, background vocals and electric guitar noodling. Why didn't I use it as an opener? (I buried it)
Seeland - Think I DLed this recently. Really good -- and again very retro-sounding. Think they stole the Left Banke's harpsichord. Loved the song "Library" from their previous release.
Stornoway - Never heard of 'em, but a pleasant surprise. Vaguely reminiscent of the Stoney Roses. Great chorus, with the overlapping vocals.
Deerhunter - Another gem from D-hunter boy. Love how the sound changes at the 1:20 mark.
Plush - Heard of Lush and Phish, but not... A bit of an early sloppy Teenage Fanclub/George Harrison feel to this one. A keeper.
Clinic/Televison - Nice pairing, as Tom Verlaine and the Clinic vocalist have a similar reedy/whiney vocal style.
Elastica - A classic, of course. Their debut was amazing. The plagiarized riff from this song is currently being used in a TV advert here in the States. Makes me wonder if Wire is getting a percentage.
Stereolab - You already know how I feel 'bout the Stereolabrador retrievers. Looking forward to their upcoming CD, as well as a solo album from Ms. Sadler.
Tiger - Another new one to these ears. Reminds me of the Fall or Happy Mondays, but a bit more melodic than either band, especially with the tuneful Clash-like backing vocals. Meow!
Broadcast - Been rediscovering these guys the last few months. Great band, great song. Sounds like they borrowed the lyrics from the Ramones, but certainly not the melody :)
Tipsy - Been a long time since I've heard this! I've forgotten how good this song is. So catchy, despite all the weird sound effects and samples.
Solex - Another classic from our lady in Amsterdam. This song has always reminded me of the Breeders' "Cannonball." Warped pop songs rule my world.
Marbles - How many projects has Robert Schneider been involved in? I'm certainly not complaining! Haven't listened to this CD in ages.
Felt - One of my all-time favorite over-six-minutes-long songs (which is funny since most Felt songs are quite short). Love the swirling organ and Liz Fraser's unusually coherent guest vocal. Epic.
Spearmint - Another amazing song that makes you happy to be alive. Sadly Spearmint never made a dent in the U.S., like many of the bands name-checked in this song.
LAKE - Wasn't Blue Ocean Blue an Echo & the Bunnymen album? Oh nevermind. Wasn't that a Nirvana album? Lovely cowbell/handclap driven twee pop song that puts you in a good mood.
Love - Oh the snot has caked against my pants --- what an opening line! Brilliant.
Slaraffenland - Goes very nicely after the above - hey, it's even called That Great "Love" Song. You're so very clever.
Cinerama - He's a maniac, maniac, oh no. Mr. Gedge has his share of romantic troubles, doesn't he? Nice.
Mutley Crue - Again, a mystery to me. Good one though, the way it bounces along, but builds up speed near the end.
Momus - I've heard of Momus, but have heard very little -- so this was new to me. I assumed Momus was a difficult listen, but this was very catchy. Diggin' those keyboard washes and that chugging bass line. Good vocals too! Oops! Someone needs a diaper change! Not me, fortunately...
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