Shamelessly stealing a mix title from the wonderful Lollipop Train, erm, track. This is a delicious assortment of goodies that'll please your ears, and rot your teeth
- Combustible Edison - Vertigogo
- Yukari Fresh - Trefoils Hat
- Maria Napoleon - Viva La Muerte
- Halcali - Hello, Hello, Alone
- Luke Vibert & BJ Cole - Swing Lite - Alright
- Stereolab - Miss Modular
- Chee Chee and Peppy - Mocking Bird
- Lollipop Train - Teenage Trifle
- Doris Monteiro - Maita
- Tommorow's World - Paul Scholes
- Mantecao Y Su Combo De Rumba Moderna - Achilipú
- Vive La Fête - On S'Amuse
- Orwell - Claire
- Basilisco - La Terrificante Notte Del Demonio
- My Little Airport - The Ok Thing To Do On Sunday Afternoon Is To Toddle In The Zoo
- Surez - Ro Paran
- Flight Of The Conchords - Foux Du Fafa
- La Casa Azul - Vamos a Volar
- Le Future Pompiste - Seeds
- Terreno Baldio - Caipora